Schmollers Jahrbuch
ISSN: 1439-121X
eISSN: 1865-5742
Publisher: Duncker & Humblot
Publications (10)
The Usefulness of DAGs: What Can Directed Acyclic Graphs Contribute to a Residual Ap-proach to Weight-related Income Discrimination? (2015)
Bozoyan C, Wolbring T
Journal article
Institutionelle Eigenschaften von Berufen und ihr Einfluss auf berufliche Mobilität in Deutschland (2015)
Damelang A, Schulz F, Vicari B
Journal article
Immigrant Fertility in Germany: The Role of Culture (2014)
Cygan-Rehm K
Journal article, Original article
Establishment survival in East and West Germany: A comparative analysis (2014)
Fackler D
Journal article
The Introduction of a Short-Term Earnings-Related Parental Leave Benefit System and Differential Effects on Employment Intentions (2011)
Bergemann A, Riphahn RT
Journal article, Original article
ALWA – New life course data for Germany (2011)
Antoni M, Drasch K, Kleinert C, Matthes B, Ruland M, Trahms A
Journal article, Original article
Regional determinants of employer-provided further training (2011)
Bellmann L, Hohendanner C, Hujer R
Journal article
Abitur and what next? Reasons for gaining double qualifications in Germany (2010)
Bellmann L, Janik F
Journal article
German works councils in the production process (2006)
Addison JT, Schank T, Schnabel C, Wagner J
Journal article
German Works Councils Old and New: Incidence, Coverage and Determinants (2003)
Addison JT, Schnabel C, Bellmann L, Wagner J
Journal article