Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik

Journal Abbreviation: Z MED PHYS
ISSN: 0939-3889
Publisher: Elsevier Science B.v; Amsterdam

Publications (34)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Contrast-to-noise ratio analysis of microscopic diffusion anisotropy indices in q-space trajectory imaging (2019) Martin J, Endt S, Wetscherek A, Kuder TA, Dörfler A, Uder M, Hensel B, Laun FB Journal article Comparison of optimized intensity correction methods for 23Na MRI of the human brain using a 32-channel phased array coil at 7 Tesla (2019) Lachner S, Ruck L, Niesporek SC, Utzschneider M, Lott J, Hensel B, Dörfler A, et al. Journal article Multidimensionale diffusionsgewichtete Magnetresonanztomographie (2019) Laun FB Journal article Particle filter de-noising of voxel-specific time-activity-curves in personalized 177Lu therapy (2019) Götz T, Götz TI, Lang EW, Schmidkonz C, Maier A, Kuwert T, Ritt P Journal article Performance of Makerless Tracking for Gimbaled Dynamic Tumor Tracking (2019) Ziegler M, Lettmaier S, Fietkau R, Bert C Journal article Dosimetric characterization of a single crystal diamond detector in X-ray beams for preclinical research Dosimetrische Charakterisierung eines Einkristall-Diamant-Detektors in Röntgenstrahlen zur präklinischen Forschung (2018) Kampfer S, Cho N, Combs SE, Wilkens JJ Journal article 49th Annual Conference of the German Society for Medical Physics and 21st Annual Conference of the German Section of the ISMRM (2018) Bert C, Wucherer M, Laun FB Journal article, other Automatic intraocular lens segmentation and detection in optical coherence tomography images (2014) Gillner M, Eppig T, Langenbucher A Journal article Grating-based X-ray phase-contrast tomography of atherosclerotic plaque at high photon energies (2013) Hetterich H, Fill S, Herzen J, Willner M, Zanette I, Weitkamp T, Rack A, et al. Journal article Evaluation of the potential of phase-contrast computed tomography for improved visualization of cancerous human liver tissue (2013) Noel PB, Herzen J, Fingerle AA, Willner M, Stockmar MK, Hahn D, Settles M, et al. Journal article
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