Strahlentherapie und Onkologie

Journal Abbreviation: STRAHLENTHER ONKOL
ISSN: 0179-7158
eISSN: 1439-099X
Publisher: Urban & Vogel

Publications (437)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Feasibility of daily kV-Recording-based Positioning by using DRRs from an AI-based synthetic CT for MR-only intracranial Stereotactic Radiotherapy (2022) Masitho S, Grigo J, Szkitsak J, Reissig L, Fietkau R, Putz F, Bert C Conference contribution Deep Learning-based Auto-contouring of Lymph Node Levels in Head and Neck Area (2022) Weissmann T, Huang Y, Sommer P, Roesch J, Mansoorian S, Ayala H, Fischer S, et al. Conference contribution Pilot Project for App-based Patient Connection in outpatient Tumor Therapy (2022) Hecht M, Goldbrunner L, Kaul F, Winkler S, Ploner N, Lettmaier S, Haderlein M, et al. Conference contribution Possibilities of a Seed Control after the Implantation by using MRI and Deep Learning-based QSM Reconstruction (2022) Grigo J, Karius A, Hanspach J, Weissmann T, Laun FB, Strnad V, Putz F, Bert C Conference contribution Deep Learning-based automatic longitudinal volumetric Analysis in Acoustic Neuroma (2022) Putz F, Chen Hf, Huang Y, Weissmann T, Mansoorian S, Schmidt M, Semrau S, et al. Conference contribution Deep Learning based Prediction of Glioma Growth by using "Growing Neural Cellular Automata" (2022) Huang Y, Maier A, Sommer P, Fischer S, Srinivasan AL, Fietkau R, Bert C, Putz F Conference contribution Change in the radio-oncological Treatment Concept for Brain Metastases through a dedicated Radiotherapy Planning MRI (2022) Voigt R, Masitho S, Grigo J, Reissig L, Uder M, Semrau S, Fietkau R, et al. Conference contribution Improvement of Deep Learning-based Auto-detection of Brain Metastases by Integrating previous MRI Images (2022) Dörfler A, Huang Y, Bert C, Sommer P, Frey B, Gaipl U, Distel L, et al. Conference contribution Creation of an Electro-magnetic Heat Simulation for Planning Hyperthermia Treatments for Mice (2022) Kahlert B, Bert C, Rückert M, Hensel B, Root K, Vossiek M, Fietkau R, et al. Conference contribution In the Case of Radiochemotherapy of advanced Rectal Cancer, there is only slight gender-related Differences, none in terms of Radiation Sensitivity! (2022) Schuster B, Hecht M, Schmidt M, Haderlein M, Jost T, Geinitz H, Fietkau R, Distel L Conference contribution