Biomaterials Science

ISSN: 2047-4830
eISSN: 2047-4849
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

Publications (12)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Biological effects of a zinc-substituted borosilicate bioactive glass on human bone marrow derived stromal cells in vitro and in a critical-size femoral defect model in rats in vivo (2024) Saur M, Kunisch E, Fiehn LA, Arango Ospina M, Merle C, Hagmann S, Moghaddam A, et al. Journal article Antibacterial polylysine-containing hydrogels for hemostatic and wound healing applications: preparation methods, current advances and future perspectives (2024) Pourshahrestani S, Zeimaran E, Fauzi MB Journal article, Review article Impact of morphological features and chemical composition of tendon biomimetic scaffolds on immune recognition via Toll-like receptors (2024) Gil-Cantero S, Iorio F, Ünalan I, Kurtuldu F, Künig S, Wenhardt C, Pinnaro′ V, et al. Journal article QbD-based fabrication of transferrin-anchored nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery to macrophages and colon cells for mucosal inflammation healing (2022) Zeeshan M, Ain QU, Sunny A, Raza F, Mohsin M, Khan S, Weigmann B, Ali H Journal article Stress relaxation amplitude of hydrogels determines migration, proliferation, and morphology of cells in 3-D culture (2021) Hazur J, Endrizzi N, Schubert DW, Boccaccini AR, Fabry B Journal article Mechanical properties of cell- and microgel bead-laden oxidized alginate-gelatin hydrogels (2021) Distler T, Kretzschmar L, Schneidereit D, Girardo S, Goswami R, Friedrich O, Detsch R, et al. Journal article, Original article Cu, Zn doped borate bioactive glasses: antibacterial efficacy and dose-dependent in vitro modulation of murine dendritic cells (2020) Schuhladen K, Stich L, Schmidt J, Steinkasserer A, Boccaccini AR, Zinser E Journal article Favorable angiogenic properties of the borosilicate bioactive glass 0106-B1 result in enhanced: In vivo osteoid formation compared to 45S5 Bioglass (2019) Westhauser F, Widholz B, Nawaz Q, Tsitlakidis S, Hagmann S, Moghaddam A, Boccaccini AR Journal article Carbon nanotube doped pericardial matrix derived electroconductive biohybrid hydrogel for cardiac tissue engineering (2019) Roshanbinfar K, Mohammadi Z, Sheikh-Mahdi Mesgar A, Dehghan MM, Oommen OP, Hilborn J, Engel F Journal article Artificial microniches for probing mesenchymal stem cell fate in 3D (2014) Ma Y, Neubauer MP, Thiele J, Fery A, Huck WTS Journal article