International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
ISSN: 1744-5760
eISSN: 1744-5779
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publications (9)
A continuous benchmarking infrastructure for high-performance computing applications (2024)
Alt C, Lanser M, Plewinski J, Janki A, Klawonn A, Köstler H, Selzer M, Rüde U
Journal article
Fundamental data structures for matrix-free finite elements on hybrid tetrahedral grids (2023)
Kohl N, Bauer D, Böhm F, Rüde U
Journal article
The HyTeG Finite-Element Software Framework for Scalable Multigrid Solvers (2018)
Kohl N, Thönnes D, Drzisga D, Bartuschat D, Rüde U
Journal article, Original article
A programmable ternary CPU using hybrid CMOS/memristor circuits (2018)
Wust D, Fey D, Knödtel J
Journal article, Original article
High-performance simulation of nation-sized smart grids (2016)
Kuschel C, Rüde U
Journal article, Online publication
A Python extension for the massively parallel multiphysics simulation framework waLBerla (2016)
Bauer M, Schornbaum F, Godenschwager C, Markl M, Anderl D, Köstler H, Rüde U
Journal article, Letter
Interactive particle dynamics using OpenCL and Kinect (2013)
Kuckuk S, Preclik T, Köstler H
Journal article
Services for numerical simulations and optimisations in grids (2013)
Limmer S, Fey D
Journal article
Hierarchical hybrid grids: achieving TERAFLOP performance on large scale finite element simulations (2007)
Bergen B, Wellein G, Hülsemann F, Rüde U
Journal article