Nucleic Acids Research
Journal Abbreviation: NUCLEIC ACIDS RES
ISSN: 0305-1048
eISSN: 1362-4962
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publications (52)
Network medicine-based epistasis detection in complex diseases: Ready for quantum computing (2024)
Hoffmann M, Poschenrieder JM, Incudini M, Baier S, Fritz A, Maier A, Hartung M, et al.
Journal article
Drugst.One - a plug-and-play solution for online systems medicine and network-based drug repurposing (2024)
Maier A, Hartung M, Abovsky M, Adamowicz K, Bader GD, Baier S, Blumenthal DB, et al.
Journal article
The YAP1/TAZ-TEAD transcriptional network regulates gene expression at neuromuscular junctions in skeletal muscle fibers (2024)
Gessler L, Huraskin D, Jian Y, Eiber N, Hu Z, Prószyński TJ, Hashemolhosseini S
Journal article
Transmicron: accurate prediction of insertion probabilities improves detection of cancer driver genes from transposon mutagenesis screens (2023)
Bredthauer C, Fischer A, Ahari AJ, Cao X, Weber J, Rad L, Rad R, et al.
Journal article
Interfering with nucleotide excision by the coronavirus 3 '-to-5 ' exoribonuclease (2022)
Chinthapatla R, Sotoudegan M, Srivastava P, Anderson TK, Moustafa IM, Passow KT, Kennelly SA, et al.
Journal article
KLF9 and KLF13 transcription factors boost myelin gene expression in oligodendrocytes as partners of SOX10 and MYRF (2022)
Bernhardt C, Sock E, Fröb F, Hillgärtner S, Nemer M, Wegner M
Journal article
Quantitative parameters of bacterial RNA polymerase open-complex formation, stabilization and disruption on a consensus promoter (2022)
Bera SC, America PPB, Maatsola S, Seifert M, Ostrofet E, Cnossen J, Spermann M, et al.
Journal article
Transcription factor Zfp276 drives oligodendroglial differentiation and myelination by switching off the progenitor cell program (2022)
Aberle T, Piefke S, Hillgärtner S, Tamm ER, Wegner M, Küspert M
Journal article
The Hox transcription factor Ultrabithorax binds RNA and regulates co-transcriptional splicing through an interplay with RNA polymerase II (2022)
Carnesecchi J, Boumpas P, van Nierop Y Sanchez P, Domsch K, Pinto HD, Borges Pinto P, Lohmann I
Journal article
Structural and biochemical insight into the mechanism of dual CpG site binding and methylation by the DNMT3A DNA methyltransferase (2021)
Emperle M, Bangalore DM, Adam S, Kunert S, Heil HS, Heinze KG, Bashtrykov P, et al.
Journal article