Industrial relations
Journal Abbreviation: IND RELAT
ISSN: 0019-8676
eISSN: 1468-232X
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell: No OnlineOpen
Publications (7)
Collective bargaining and innovation in Germany * a case of cooperative industrial relations? (2017)
Addison JT, Teixeira P, Bellmann L, Evers K
Journal article
A man's blessing or a woman's curse? The Family-earnings gap of doctors (2016)
Kühnle D, Schurer S, Cheng T, Scott A
Journal article, Original article
Is the erosion thesis overblown? * alignment from without in Germany (2016)
Addison JT, Teixeira P, Bellmann L, Evers K
Journal article
Wage cyclicality under different regimes of industrial relations (2013)
Gartner H, Schnabel C, Schank T
Journal article, Original article
Worker Directors: A German Product that Did Not Export? (2011)
Schnabel C, Addison JT
Journal article
Works Councils and Separations: Voice, Monopoly, and Insurance Effects (2010)
Hirsch B, Schank T, Schnabel C
Journal article
The Reform of the German Works Constitution Act: A Critical Assessment (2004)
Addison JT, Bellmann L, Schnabel C, Wagner J
Journal article