PLoS Computational Biology
Journal Abbreviation: PLOS COMPUT BIOL
ISSN: 1553-734X
eISSN: 1553-7358
Publisher: Public Library of Science
Publications (23)
A flexible generative algorithm for growing in silico placentas (2024)
de Oliveira DC, Sleiman HC, Payette K, Hutter J, Story L, Hajnal JV, Alexander DC, et al.
Journal article
DeepD3, an open framework for automated quantification of dendritic spines (2024)
Fernholz MH, Guggiana Nilo DA, Bonhoeffer T, Kist A
Journal article
Influence of cell type specific infectivity and tissue composition on SARS-CoV-2 infection dynamics within human airway epithelium (2023)
Raach B, Bundgaard N, Haase MJ, Starruß J, Sotillo R, Stanifer ML, Graw F
Journal article
OutbreakFlow: Model-based Bayesian inference of disease outbreak dynamics with invertible neural networks and its application to the COVID-19 pandemics in Germany (2021)
Radev ST, Graw F, Chen S, Mutters NT, Eichel VM, Baernighausen T, Koethe U
Journal article
pyTFM: A tool for traction force and monolayer stress microscopy (2021)
Bauer A, Prechová M, Fischer L, Thievessen I, Gregor M, Fabry B
Journal article
Predicting mean ribosome load for 5’UTR of any length using deep learning (2021)
Karollus A, Avsec Z, Gagneur J
Journal article
The hierarchical packing of euchromatin domains can be described as multiplicative cascades (2021)
Noa A, Kuan HS, Aschmann V, Zaburdaev V, Hilbert L
Journal article
DeepWAS: Multivariate genotype-phenotype associations by directly integrating regulatory information using deep learning (2020)
Arloth J, Eraslan G, Andlauer TFM, Martins J, Iurato S, Kuehnel B, Waldenberger M, et al.
Journal article
Model-based analysis of response and resistance factors of cetuximab treatment in gastric cancer cell lines (2020)
Raimundez E, Keller S, Zwingenberger G, Ebert K, Hug S, Theis FJ, Maier D, et al.
Journal article
Stytra: An open-source, integrated system for stimulation, tracking and closed-loop behavioral experiments (2019)
Stih V, Petrucco L, Kist A, Portugues R
Journal article