EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
Journal Abbreviation: EURASIP J AUDIO SPEE
ISSN: 1687-4714
eISSN: 1687-4722
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation / Springer Verlag (Germany) / SpringerOpen
Publications (7)
Microphone utility estimation in acoustic sensor networks using single-channel signal features (2023)
Günther M, Brendel A, Kellermann W
Journal article
Signal processing and machine learning for speech and audio in acoustic sensor networks (2023)
Kellermann W, Martin R, Ono N
Journal article
Motor data-regularized nonnegative matrix factorization for ego-noise suppression (2020)
Schmidt A, Brendel A, Haubner T, Kellermann W
Journal article
A multichannel diffuse power estimator for dereverberation in the presence of multiple sources (2015)
Braun S, Habets E
Journal article, Original article
Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for the Evaluation of Voice and Speech Disorders in Head and Neck Cancer (2010)
Maier A, Haderlein T, Stelzle F, Nöth E, Nkenke E, Rosanowski F, Schützenberger A, Schuster M
Journal article, Original article
On the Impact of Children's Emotional Speech on Acoustic and Language Models (2010)
Steidl S, Batliner A, Seppi D, Schuller B
Journal article, Original article
Atypical Speech (2010)
Stemmer G, Nöth E, Parsa V
Other publication type, Vorwort