Plos Biology
Journal Abbreviation: PLOS BIOL
ISSN: 1544-9173
eISSN: 1545-7885
Publisher: Public Library of Science
Publications (23)
Understanding glioblastoma at the single-cell level: Recent advances and future challenges (2024)
Yabo Y, Heiland DH
Journal article
Multisensory perceptual and causal inference is largely preserved in medicated post-acute individuals with schizophrenia (2024)
Rohe T, Hesse K, Ehlis AC, Noppeney U
Journal article
Lineage tracing identifies heterogeneous hepatoblast contribution to cell lineages and postembryonic organ growth dynamics (2023)
Unterweger IA, Klepstad J, Hannezo E, Lundegaard PR, Trusina A, Ober EA
Journal article
Constriction imposed by basement membrane regulates developmental cell migration (2023)
López EM, Kabanova A, Winkel A, Franze K, Palacios IM, Martín-Bermudo MD
Journal article
A caspase-RhoGEF axis contributes to the cell size threshold for apoptotic death in developing Caenorhabditis elegans. (2022)
Sethi A, Wei H, Mishra N, Segos I, Lambie E, Zanin E, Conradt B
Journal article
A shared transcriptional code orchestrates temporal patterning of the central nervous system (2021)
Sagner A, Zhang I, Watson T, Lazaro J, Melchionda M, Briscoe J
Journal article, Original article
A field guide to cultivating computational biology (2021)
Way GP, Greene CS, Carninci P, Carvalho BS, De Hoon M, Finley S, Gosline SJC, et al.
Journal article, Review article
Interplay between the EMT transcription factors ZEB1 and ZEB2 regulates hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell differentiation and hematopoietic lineage fidelity (2021)
Wang J, Farkas C, Benyoucef A, Carmichael C, Haigh K, Wong N, Huylebroeck D, et al.
Journal article
Human herpesvirus 8 molecular mimicry of ephrin ligands facilitates cell entry and triggers EphA2 signaling (2021)
Light TP, Brun D, Guardado-Calvo P, Pederzoli R, Haouz A, Neipel F, Rey FA, et al.
Journal article
Cortical morphology at birth reflects spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression in the fetal human brain (2020)
Ball G, Seidlitz J, O'Muircheartaigh J, Dimitrova R, Fenchel D, Makropoulos A, Christiaens D, et al.
Journal article