Nanoscale Research Letters
Journal Abbreviation: NANOSCALE RES LETT
ISSN: 1931-7573
eISSN: 1556-276X
Publisher: SpringerOpen
Publications (6)
Impact of N Incorporation on VLS Growth of GaP(N) Nanowires Utilizing UDMH (2018)
Steidl M, Wu M, Peh K, Kleinschmidt P, Spiecker E, Hannappel T
Journal article, Letter
Impact of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Vocal Fold Fibroblasts: Cell Behavior and Cellular Iron Kinetics (2017)
Poettler M, Fliedner A, Schreiber E, Janko C, Friedrich RP, Bohr C, Döllinger M, et al.
Journal article
Tissue Plasminogen Activator Binding to Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle-Covalent Versus Adsorptive Approach (2016)
Friedrich RP, Zaloga J, Schreiber E, Toth IY, Tombacz E, Lyer S, Alexiou C
Journal article
Electroplating and magnetostructural characterization of multisegmented Co54Ni46/Co85Ni15 nanowires from single electrochemical bath in anodic alumina templates (2013)
Prida VM, Garcia J, Iglesias L, Vega V, Goerlitz D, Nielsch K, Diaz Barriga-Castro E, et al.
Journal article
Growth of all-carbon horizontally aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes nucleated from fullerene-based structures (2013)
Ibrahim I, Zhang Y, Popov A, Dunsch L, Buechner B, Cuniberti G, Ruemmeli MH
Journal article
Kinetic study of H-terminated silicon nanowires oxidation in very first stages (2013)
Bashouti MY, Sardashti K, Ristein J, Christiansen S
Journal article