Energy and Environmental Science
ISSN: 1754-5692
eISSN: 1754-5706
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Publications (63)
Long term outdoor performance evaluation of printed semitransparent organic photovoltaic modules for BIPV/BAPV applications (2024)
Feroze S, Distler A, Dong L, Wagner M, Channa IA, Hoga F, Brabec C, Egelhaaf HJ
Journal article
Revealing Degradation Mechanisms in 3D/2D Perovskite Solar Cells under Photothermal Accelerated Ageing (2024)
Peng Z, Vincze A, Streller F, Le Corre VM, Zhang K, Li C, Tian J, et al.
Journal article
Dual functionality of charge extraction and interface passivation by self-assembled monolayers in perovskite solar cells (2024)
Azam M, Du T, Wan Z, Zhao H, Zeng H, Wei R, Brabec C, et al.
Journal article, Review article
Precise control of process parameters for >23% efficiency perovskite solar cells in ambient air using an automated device acceleration platform (2024)
Zhang J, Wu J, Barabash A, Du T, Qiu S, Le Corre VM, Zhao Y, et al.
Journal article
On the critical competition between singlet exciton decay and free charge generation in non-fullerene based organic solar cells with low energetic offsets (2024)
Pranav M, Shukla A, Moser D, Rumeney J, Liu W, Wang R, Sun B, et al.
Journal article
Self-assembly construction of a homojunction of Sn-Pb perovskite using an antioxidant for all-perovskite tandem solar cells with improved efficiency and stability (2024)
Lin Z, Chen J, Duan C, Fan K, Li J, Zou S, Zou F, et al.
Journal article
Simplifying contact-layer design for high-throughput printing of flexible perovskite photovoltaics (2024)
Dong L, Qiu S, Feroze S, Wagner M, Kasian O, Peisert H, Kosasih FU, et al.
Journal article
Operando Fe dissolution in Fe-N-C electrocatalysts during acidic oxygen reduction: impact of local pH change (2024)
Pedersen A, Kumar K, Ku YP, Martin V, Dubau L, Santos KT, Barrio J, et al.
Journal article
Fully printed flexible perovskite solar modules with improved energy alignment by tin oxide surface modification (2024)
Dong L, Qiu S, García Cerrillo J, Wagner M, Kasian O, Feroze S, Jang D, et al.
Journal article
Closing the loop: recycling of MAPbI3 perovskite solar cells (2024)
Wu Z, Sytnyk M, Zhang J, Babayeva G, Kupfer C, Hu J, Arnold S, et al.
Journal article