Ecological Indicators
Journal Abbreviation: ECOL INDIC
ISSN: 1470-160X
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (11)
Insect infestations have an impact on the quality of climate reconstructions using Larix ring-width chronologies from the Tibetan plateau (2023)
Aryal S, Grießinger J, Arsalani M, Meier W, Fu PL, Fan ZX, Bräuning A
Journal article
Tree-ring cellulose oxygen isotopes indicate atmospheric aridity in the western Kunlun Mountains (2022)
Feng X, Huang R, Zhu H, Liang E, Bräuning A, Zhong L, Gong Z, et al.
Journal article
Using molluscs to assess ecological quality status of soft-bottom habitats along the Atlantic coastline of the United States (2021)
Pruden MJ, Dietl GP, Handley JC, Smith JA
Journal article
Landscape change in Southern Ecuador: An indicator-based and multi-temporal evaluation of land use and land cover in a mixed-use protected area (2020)
López S, López-Sandoval MF, Gerique A, Salazar J
Journal article
Assessing the impact of an invasive bryophyte on plant species richness using high resolution imaging spectroscopy (2020)
Ewald M, Skowronek S, Aerts R, Lenoir J, Feilhauer H, Van De Kerchove R, Honnay O, et al.
Journal article
Remotely sensed spatial heterogeneity as an exploratory tool for taxonomic and functional diversity studies. (2018)
Rocchini D, Bacaro G, Chirici G, Da Re D, Feilhauer H, Foody GM, Galluzzi M, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Are remotely-sensed traits suitable for ecological analysis? A case study of long-term drought effects on Leaf Mass per Area of wetland vegetation (2018)
Feilhauer H, Schmid T, Faude U, Sanchez-Carillo S, Cirujano S
Journal article, Original article
Modelling biomass of mountainous grasslands by including a species composition map (2017)
Magiera A, Feilhauer H, Waldhardt R, Wiesmair M, Otte A
Journal article, Original article
Optical trait indicators for remote sensing of plant species composition: predictive power and seasonal variability (2017)
Feilhauer H, Somers B, van der Linden S
Journal article, Original article
Linking earth observation and taxonomic, structural and functional biodiversity: local to ecosystem perspectives (2016)
Lausch A, Bannehr L, Beckmann M, Boehm C, Feilhauer H, Heurich M, Jung A, et al.
Journal article, Review article