Hydrogeology Journal
Journal Abbreviation: HYDROGEOL J
ISSN: 1431-2174
eISSN: 1435-0157
Publisher: Springer
Publications (7)
On the value of hydrochemical data for the interpretation of flow and transport processes in the Baget karst system, France (2024)
Richieri B, Bittner D, Sivelle V, Hartmann A, Labat D, Chiogna G
Journal article
Unraveling the time-dependent relevance of input model uncertainties for a lumped hydrologic model of a pre-alpine karst system 论阿尔卑斯前缘岩溶系统集总水文模型输入模型不确定性的时间相关性 Comprendre l’importance temporelle des incertitudes des modèles d’entrée pour un modèle hydrologique global d’un système karstique préalpin Desfazendo a relevância temporal das incertezas do modelo de entrada para um modelo hidrológico de um sistema de cárstico pré-alpino Análisis de la relevancia temporal de las incertidumbres en los modelos de entrada para un modelo hidrológico compuesto en un sistema kárstico prealpino (2021)
Bittner D, Richieri B, Chiogna G
Journal article
Fate of nitrate during groundwater recharge in a fractured karst aquifer in Southwest Germany (2021)
Visser AN, Lehmann MF, Rügner H, Mazo D'Affonseca F, Grathwohl P, Blackwell N, Kappler A, Osenbrück K
Journal article, Original article
Rapid groundwater recharge dynamics determined from hydrogeochemical and isotope data in a small permafrost watershed near Umiujaq (Nunavik, Canada) (2020)
Cochand M, Molson J, Barth J, van Geldern R, Lemieux JM, Fortier R, Therrien R
Journal article
Modelling an induced thermal plume with data from electrical resistivity tomography and distributed temperature sensing: a case study in northeast Italy (2017)
Cultrera M, Boaga J, Di Sipio E, Dalla Santa G, De Seta M, Galgaro A
Journal article
Hydrogeological investigation of shallow aquifers in an arid data-scarce coastal region (El Daba’a, northwestern Egypt) (2016)
Yousif M, van Geldern R, Bubenzer O
Journal article, Original article
Present and future challenges of urban systems affected by seawater and its intrusion: the case of Venice, Italy (2011)
Di Sipio E, Zezza F
Journal article, Original article