Doklady Mathematics
Journal Abbreviation: DOKL MATH
ISSN: 1064-5624
Publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica (МАИК Наука/Интерпериодика)
Publications (5)
On the Action of the Restricted Weyl Group on the Set of Orbits a Minimal Parabolic Subgroup (2020)
Zhgoon VS, Knop F
Journal article
On the Complexity of Reductive Group Actions over Algebraically Nonclosed Field and Strong Stability of the Actions on Flag Varieties (2019)
Zhgoon VS, Knop F
Journal article
Scale limit of a variational inequality modeling diffusive flux in a domain with small holes and strong adsorption in case of a critical scaling (2011)
Jäger W, Neuss-Radu M, Shaposhnikova TA
Journal article, Original article
Homogenization limit for the diffusion equation with nonlinear flux condition on the boundary of very thin holes periodically distributed in a domain, in case of a critical size (2010)
Neuss-Radu M, Jäger W, Shaposhnikova TA
Journal article, Original article
Integrability of the n-center problem at high energies (2004)
Knauf A, Taimanov IA
Journal article, Original article