Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP

ISSN: 1522-4880

Publications (13)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



VENTRILOQUIST-NET: LEVERAGING SPEECH CUES FOR EMOTIVE TALKING HEAD GENERATION (2022) Das D, Khan Q, Cremers D Conference contribution LIGHT-FIELD VIEW SYNTHESIS USING A CONVOLUTIONAL BLOCK ATTENTION MODULE (2021) Gul MSK, Mukati MU, Baetz M, Forchhammer S, Keinert J Conference contribution Deep Network Pruning for Object Detection (2019) Ghosh S, Srinivasa SK, Amon P, Hutter A, Kaup A Conference contribution Robust blood flow velocity estimation from 3D rotational angiography (2018) Bögel M, Gehrisch S, Redel T, Rohkohl C, Birkhold A, Hölter P, Maier A, et al. Conference contribution Confidence-aware Levenberg-Marquardt optimization for joint motion estimation and super-resolution (2016) Bercea CI, Maier A, Köhler T Conference contribution Vesselness for Text Detection in Historical Document Images (2016) Hofmann S, Gropp M, Bernecker D, Pollin C, Maier A, Christlein V Conference contribution Automatic detection of necrosis, normoxia and hypoxia in tumors from multimodal cytological images (2015) Carneiro G, Peng T, Bayer C, Navab N Conference contribution Hybrid Super-Resolution Combining Example-Based Single-Image and Interpolation-Based Multi-Image Reconstruction Approaches (2015) Bätz M, Eichenseer A, Seiler J, Jonscher M, Kaup A Conference contribution Super-Resolution for Mixed-Resolution Multiview Image plus Depth Data using a Novel Two-Stage High-Frequency Extrapolation Method for Occluded Areas (2015) Richter T, Seiler J, Schnurrer W, Kaup A Conference contribution Sample-based Weighted Prediction for Lossless Enhancement Layer Coding in SHVC (2014) Heindel A, Wige E, Kaup A Conference contribution