RSC Advances

ISSN: 2046-2069
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

Publications (99)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Electronic effects on the mechanism of the NAD(+) coenzyme reduction catalysed by a non-organometallic ruthenium(ii) polypyridyl amine complex in the presence of formate (2022) Chrzanowska M, Katafias A, Van Eldik R, Conradie J Journal article Exploring the similarity of single-layer covalent organic frameworks using electronic structure calculations (2022) Raptakis A, Croy A, Dianat A, Gutierrez R, Cuniberti G Journal article Prospect of making XPS a high-throughput analytical method illustrated for a CuxNi1-xOy combinatorial material library (2022) Bodenstein-Dresler LCW, Kama A, Frisch J, Hartmann C, Itzhak A, Wilks RG, Cahen D, Bär M Journal article The influence of the anion exchange membrane on mass-transport limiting phenomena in bipolar interface fuel cells with Fe-N/C based cathode catalyst layers (2021) Seeberger D, Hauenstein P, Hartert A, Thiele S Journal article B12X11(H2)−: exploring the limits of isotopologue selectivity of hydrogen adsorption (2021) Wulf T, Warneke J, Heine T Journal article Covalent and non-covalent chemistry of 2D black phosphorus (2021) Mitrović A, Abellán G, Hirsch A Journal article, Review article RuIII(edta) complexes as molecular redox catalysts in chemical and electrochemical reduction of dioxygen and hydrogen peroxide: inner-sphereversusouter-sphere mechanism (2021) Chatterjee D, Chrzanowska M, Katafias A, Oszajca M, van Eldik R Journal article Spontaneous alloying of ultrasmall non-stoichiometric Ag-In-S and Cu-In-S quantum dots in aqueous colloidal solutions (2021) Stroyuk O, Raievska O, Solonenko D, Kupfer C, Osvet A, Batentschuk M, Brabec C, Zahn DRT Journal article Thermodynamic assessment of the stability of bulk and nanoparticulate cobalt and nickel during dry and steam reforming of methane (2021) Wolf M Journal article Enhanced visible-light photodegradation of fluoroquinolone-based antibiotics andE. coligrowth inhibition using Ag-TiO2nanoparticles (2021) Wang J, Svoboda L, Nemeckova Z, Sgarzi M, Henych J, Licciardello N, Cuniberti G Journal article