Computer Science - Research and Development
ISSN: 1865-2034
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Publications (8)
6th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics (EnInf 2017) (2018)
Santini S, Tiefenbeck V
Journal article, Editorial
Including a virtual battery storage into thermal unit commitment (2017)
Steber D, Pruckner M, Schlund J, Bazan P, German R
Journal article, Original article
Providing primary frequency control with residential scale photovoltaic-battery systems (2016)
Schopfer S, Tiefenbeck V, Fleisch E, Staake T
Journal article
Hybrid simulation and energy market based optimization of cement plants (2016)
Bazan P, Steber D, German R
Journal article
Energy efficiency of the simulation of three-dimensional coastal ocean circulation on modern commodity and mobile processors (2016)
Geveler M, Reuter B, Aizinger V, Göddeke D, Turek S
Journal article
Massively parallel granular flow simulations with non-spherical particles (2010)
Iglberger K, Rüde U
Journal article
Massively Parallel Rigid Body Dynamics Simulations (2009)
Iglberger K, Rüde U
Journal article
Software development in medicine technology using medical image processing as an example (2008)
Hornegger J, Reiß J, Kuwert T
Journal article, Original article