Journal of Materials Chemistry A

ISSN: 2050-7488
eISSN: 2050-7496
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

Publications (128)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Highly porous nitrogen-doped polyimine-based carbons with adjustable microstructures for CO2 capture (2013) Wang J, Senkovska I, Oschatz M, Lohe MR, Borchardt L, Heerwig A, Liu Q, Kaskel S Journal article High capacity micro-mesoporous carbon-sulfur nanocomposite cathodes with enhanced cycling stability prepared by a solvent-free procedure (2013) Thieme S, Brueckner J, Bauer I, Oschatz M, Borchardt L, Althues H, Kaskel S Journal article Effects of Al-doping on the properties of Li-Mn-Ni-O cathode materials for Li-ion batteries: An ab initio study (2013) Dianat A, Seriani N, Bobeth M, Cuniberti G Journal article Functionalised porous nanocomposites: A multidisciplinary approach to investigate designed structures for supercapacitor applications (2013) Pinkert K, Giebeler L, Herklotz M, Oswald S, Thomas J, Meier A, Borchardt L, et al. Journal article Investigation on the homogeneity of pulsed electrochemically deposited thermoelectric films with synchrotron μ-XRF, μ-XRD and μ-XANES (2013) Reinsberg KG, Schumacher C, Zastrow S, Nielsch K, Broekaert JAC, Fittschen UEA Journal article Graphene encapsulated hollow TiO2 nanospheres: Efficient synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activity (2013) Zhang J, Zhu Z, Tang Y, Feng X Journal article Layered double hydroxide ion exchangers on superparamagnetic microparticles for recovery of phosphate from waste water (2013) Mandel K, Drenkova-Tuhtan A, Hutter F, Gellermann C, Steinmetz H, Sextl G Journal article Boron-π-nitrogen-based conjugated porous polymers with multi-functions (2013) Zhao W, Zhuang X, Wu D, Zhang F, Gehrig D, Laquai F, Feng X Journal article