Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana
ISSN: 2035-8008
Publisher: Societa Geologica Italiana
Publications (5)
Diagenesis and petrophysics of regional sandstone suites in Southern Apennines Foreland Basin, Italy (2023)
Civitelli M, Borrelli M, Criniti S, Ravidà D, Falsetta E
Journal article
Salt water intrusion in the shallow aquifers of Venice lagoon mainland (2013)
Di Sipio E, Re V, Cavaleri N
Journal article, Original article
Geomorphology and sand provenance of the Tyrrhenian coast between Capo Suvero and Gizzeria (Calabria, southern Italy) (2012)
Caracciolo L
Journal article, Original article
Weathering of crystalline bedrock in Sila Massif and Catena Costiera (Calabria, southern Italy) (2012)
Caracciolo L
Journal article, Original article
Shallow geothermal energy use: Mapping of geothermal potential and legal status in Italy (2012)
Di Sipio E, Destro E, Galgaro A, Chiesa S, Manzella A
Journal article, Original article