Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ISSN: 2090-0147
eISSN: 2090-0155
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Publications (4)
A Novel Framework for Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Hyperspectral Image Data (2016)
Jordan JM, Angelopoulou E, Maier A
Journal article
Multiport Technology: New Perspectives and Applications (2014)
Tatu SO, Serban A, Kölpin A, Helaoui M
Journal article
A Compact, Versatile Six-Port Radar Module for Industrial and Medical Applications (2013)
Linz S, Vinci G, Mann S, Lindner S, Barbon F, Weigel R, Kölpin A
Journal article
Signal-based performance evaluation of dereverberation algorithms (2010)
Naylor PA, Gaubitch N, Habets E
Journal article, Original article