Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology

ISSN: 2190-4286
Publisher: Beilstein-Institut

Publications (27)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



The impact of crystal size and temperature on the adsorption-induced flexibility of the Zr-based metal-organic framework DUT-98 (2019) Krause S, Bon V, Du H, Dunin-Borkowski RE, Stoeck U, Senkovska I, Kaskel S Journal article Cyclodextrin inhibits zinc corrosion by destabilizing point defect formation in the oxide layer (2018) Altin A, Krzywiecki M, Sarfraz A, Toparli C, Laska C, Kerger P, Zeradjanin A, et al. Journal article A novel copper precursor for electron beam induced deposition (2018) Haverkamp C, Sarau G, Polyakov MN, Utke I, Dos Santos MVP, Christiansen S, Hoeflich K Journal article Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of cell lysates mixed with silver nanoparticles for tumor classification (2017) Hassoun M, Schie IW, Tolstik T, Stanca SE, Krafft C, Popp J Journal article Localized growth of carbon nanotubes via lithographic fabrication of metallic deposits (2017) TU F, Drost M, Szenti I, Kiss J, Konya Z, Marbach H Journal article Fingerprints of a size-dependent crossover in the dimensionality of electronic conduction in Au-seeded Ge nanowires (2016) Kolesnik-Gray M, Collins G, Holmes JD, Krstic V Journal article, Letter Diameter-driven crossover in resistive behaviour of heavily doped self-seeded germanium nanowires (2016) Connaughton S, Kolesnik-Gray M, Hobbs R, Lotty O, Holmes JD, Krstic V Journal article, Letter Materials and characterization techniques for high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (2015) Zeis R Journal article, Review article Multifunctional layered magnetic composites (2015) Siglreitmeier M, Wu B, Kollmann T, Neubauer M, Nagy G, Schwahn D, Pipich V, et al. Journal article Impact of ultrasonic dispersion on the photocatalytic activity of titania aggregates (2015) Hoai Nga Le , Babick F, Kuehn K, Minh Tan Nguyen , Stintz M, Cuniberti G Journal article
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