Journal Abbreviation: UNFALLCHIRURG
ISSN: 0177-5537
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Publications (22)
Young doctors wanted - but how many? Current data on the number of aspiring specialist doctors in orthopedics and trauma surgery in Germany (2017)
Muenzberg M, Sotow B, Hoffmann R, Kladny B, Stange R, Mutschler M, Perl M
Journal article
Severe blunt thoracic trauma caused by ski collision (2017)
Lochner SJ, Scherr M, Perl M, Grove C
Journal article
Palmar dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint and traumatic boutonnière deformity (2017)
Hauck T, Müller-Seubert W, Horch RE
Journal article
The newmedical treatment procedure of the German Statutory Accident Insurance: From the perspective of BG hospitals (2016)
Buehren V, Perl M
Journal article
Triage protocols for mass casualty incidents : An overview 30 years after START (2016)
Streckbein S, Kohlmann T, Luxen J, Birkholz T, Prueckner S
Journal article
Pathophysiology of traumatic bone marrow edema Pathophysiologie des traumatischen Knochenmarködems (2015)
Quack V, Schenker H, Beckmann J, Rath B, Luering C, Tingart M, Betsch M
Journal article
Bony injuries of the thoracic cage in multiple trauma : Incidence, concomitant injuries, course and outcome (2015)
Schulz-Drost S, Oppel P, Grupp S, Krinner S, Langenbach A, Lefering R, Mauerer A
Journal article
The Position of Functional Senior Doctor at German University Clinics (2014)
Muenzberg M, Perl M
Journal article
Platelet-rich-Plasma in Kombination mit autologer Spongiosa: Eine Alternative bei therapierefraktären Pseudarthrosen? (2011)
Hakimi M, Jungbluth P, Thelen S, Linhart W, Flohe S, Windolf J, Wild M, Betsch M
Journal article
Bilaterale Verletzung der A. thoracica interna nach stumpfem Thoraxtrauma (2010)
Jungbluth P, Grassmann JP, Fuerst G, Windolf J, Wild M, Betsch M
Journal article