Acta Physiologica

Journal Abbreviation: ACTA PHYSIOL
ISSN: 1748-1708
eISSN: 1748-1716
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Publications (57)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



The prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor molidustat fails to restore erythropoietin production in the fibrotic kidney (2022) Schley G, Hartner A Journal article Adaptive physiological water conservation explains hypertension and muscle catabolism in experimental chronic renal failure (2021) Kovarik J, Morisawa N, Wild J, Marton A, Takase-Minegishi K, Minegishi S, Daub S, et al. Journal article Zymogen-locked mutant prostasin (Prss8) leads to incomplete proteolytic activation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and severely compromises triamterene tolerance in mice (2021) Essigke D, Ilyaskin A, Wörn M, Bohnert BN, Xiao M, Daniel C, Amann KU, et al. Journal article Aestivation motifs explain hypertension and muscle mass loss in mice with psoriatic skin barrier defect (2021) Wild J, Jung R, Knopp T, Efentakis P, Benaki D, Grill A, Wegner J, et al. Journal article The absence of functional bassoon at cone photoreceptor ribbon synapses affects signal transmission at Off cone bipolar cell contacts in mouse retina (2020) Babai N, von Wittgenstein J, Gierke K, Brandstätter JH, Feigenspan A Journal article Plasminogen deficiency does not prevent sodium retention in a genetic mouse model of experimental nephrotic syndrome (2020) Xiao M, Bohnert BN, Aypek H, Kretz O, Grahammer F, Aukschun U, Woern M, et al. Journal article Rebuttal to editorial: Sodium retention by uPA in nephrotic syndrome? (2020) Bohnert BN, Kanse S, Haerteis S, Korbmacher C, Artunc F Journal article The impact of chloride secretion on the progression of polycystic kidney disease (2019) Kraus A, Faria D, Schley G, Schödel J, Grampp S, Peters DJ, Schreiber R, et al. Journal article Role of TMEM16 proteins in polycystic kidney disease (2019) Cabrita I, Buchholz B, Ousingsawat J, Kunzelmann K, Schreiber R Journal article Aberrant Ca2+signals in ADPKD activate TMEM16A and Cyst Growth (2019) Cabrita I, Buchholz B, Schreiber R, Kunzelmann K Journal article