Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
Journal Abbreviation: INVEST OPHTH VIS SCI
ISSN: 0146-0404
eISSN: 1552-5783
Publisher: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
Publications (230)
Topographic Measurement of the Subretinal Pigment Epithelium Space in Normal Aging and Age-Related Macular Degeneration Using High-Resolution OCT (2024)
Won J, Takahashi H, Ploner S, Karbole W, Abu-Qamar O, Yaghy A, Marmalidou A, et al.
Journal article
Dysregulation of the TCF4 Isoform in Corneal Endothelial Cells of Patients With Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy (2024)
Honda T, Nakagawa T, Yuasa T, Tokuda Y, Nakano M, Tashiro K, Tourtas T, et al.
Journal article
Type II Diabetes Mellitus Causes Extracellular Matrix Alterations in the Posterior Cornea That Increase Graft Thickness and Rigidity (2023)
Kingsbury KD, Skeie JM, Cosert K, Schmidt GA, Aldrich BT, Sales CS, Weller J, et al.
Journal article
Photoreceptor-Specific Temporal Contrast Sensitivities in RP1L1-Associated Occult Macular Dystrophy (2023)
Huchzermeyer C, Fars J, Kremers J, Kühlewein L, Kempf M, Ott S, Stingl K, Stingl K
Journal article
Asymmetry of Peripapillary Retinal Blood Vessel and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Between Healthy Right and Left Eyes (2023)
Quach J, Sharpe GP, Demirel S, Girkin CA, Mardin CY, Scheuerle AF, Burgoyne CF, et al.
Journal article
Novel Point-of-Care Biomarkers of the Dry Anophthalmic Socket Syndrome: Tear Film Osmolarity and Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Immunoassay (2022)
Rokohl AC, Wall K, Trester M, Matos PAW, Guo Y, Adler W, Pine KR, Heindl LM
Conference contribution
Possible Impact of functional active GPCR-autoantibodies on retinal microcirculation in Long-COVID (2022)
Mardin CY, Lucio M, Wallukat G, Szewczykowski C, Hoffmanns J, Raith F, Schröder T, et al.
Conference contribution
ERG signals elicited by temporal white noise in macaques (2022)
Kremers J, Aher A, Parry N, Patel NB, Frishman LJ
Conference contribution
Glaucoma and Alzheimer: Neurodegenerative disorders show an adrenergic dysbalance (2022)
Hohberger B, Pruess H, Mardin CY, Lämmer R, Mueller J, Wallukat G
Conference contribution
RNA-Seq based transcriptome analysis of corneal endothelial cells derived from the patients with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (2022)
Nakagawa T, Okumura N, Komori Y, Hanada N, Tokuda Y, Nakano M, Tourtas T, et al.
Conference contribution