BMJ Open
ISSN: 2044-6055
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group
Publications (86)
Prospectively investigating the impact of AI onshared decision-making in post kidney transplant care (PRIMA-AI): protocol for a longitudinal qualitative study among patients, their support persons and treating physicians at a tertiary care centre (2024)
Sassi Z, Eickmann S, Roller R, Osmanodja B, Burchardt A, Samhammer D, Dabrock P, et al.
Journal article
'The health care system is more like a business'-medical overuse from the patients' perspective in Germany: a qualitative study (2024)
Sebastiao M, Pesch J, Kühlein T, Hueber S
Journal article
Coproducing a physical activity referral scheme in Germany: A qualitative analysis of stakeholder experiences (2024)
Klamroth S, Mino E, Naber I, Weißenfels A, Geidl W, Gelius P, Abu-Omar K, Pfeifer K
Journal article
Effects of physiotherapy and home-based training in parkinsonian syndromes: protocol for a randomised controlled trial (MobilityAPP) (2024)
Raccagni C, Sidoroff V, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Roth N, Schönherr G, Eskofier B, Gaßner H, et al.
Journal article
Learning motivation and self-assessment in health economics: a survey on overconfidence in healthcare providers (2024)
Bushuven S, Bentele M, Trifunovic-Koenig M, Gerber B, Bentele S, Hagen F, Schöffski O, et al.
Journal article
Patient preferences in genetic newborn screening for rare diseases: study protocol (2024)
Martin S, Angolini E, Audi J, Bertini E, Bruno LP, Coulter J, Ferlini A, et al.
Journal article
Dipsticks and point-of-care Microscopy to reduce antibiotic use in women with an uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection (MicUTI): protocol of a randomised controlled pilot trial in primary care (2024)
Kurotschka PK, Borgulya G, Bucher E, Endrich I, Figueiras A, Gensichen J, Hay AD, et al.
Journal article
Impact of different surgical and non-surgical interventions on health-related quality of life after thoracolumbar burst fractures without neurological deficit: Protocol for a comprehensive systematic review with network meta-analysis (2023)
Lanter L, Rutsch N, Kreuzer S, Albers CE, Obid P, Henssler J, Torbahn G, et al.
Journal article
Cost-effectiveness analysis of the Geriatric Fracture Center (GFC) concept: a prospective multicentre cohort study (2023)
Joeris A, Sprague S, Blauth M, Gosch M, Wattanapanom P, Jarayabhand R, Poeze M, et al.
Journal article
Effects of PROtein enriched MEDiterranean Diet and EXercise on nutritional status and cognition in adults at risk of undernutrition and cognitive decline: the PROMED-EX Randomised Controlled Trial (2023)
Ward NA, Reid-McCann R, Brennan L, Cardwell CR, de Groot C, Maggi S, McCaffrey N, et al.
Journal article