Acta Crystallographica Section A : Foundations and Advances
Journal Abbreviation: ACTA CRYSTALLOGR A
ISSN: 0108-7673
eISSN: 2053-2733
Publisher: International Union of Crystallography
Publications (20)
Universal simulation of absorption effects for X-ray diffraction in reflection geometry (2024)
Dallmann J, Graetz J, Hock R
Journal article
In situ temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction study of ferroelectric single crystal BCZT (2022)
Gadelmawla A, Spreafico S, Heinemann FW, Liu D, Li Q, Yan Q, Hayashi K, et al.
Journal article
Coupled ptychography and tomography reconstruction of experimental data (2021)
Kahnt M, Becher J, Brueckner D, Fam Y, Sheppard T, Weissenberger T, Wittwer F, et al.
Conference contribution
Beyond the constraints of chemistry: Crystal structure discovery in particle simulation data (2021)
Dshemuchadse J, Damasceno PF, Phillips CL, Glotzer SC, Engel M
Conference contribution
3D-Delta PDF from electron diffraction data (2021)
Schmidt EM, Krysiak Y, Klar PB, Palatinus L, Neder R, Goodwin AL
Conference contribution
Correlated disorder-to-order crossover in the local structure of KxFe2-ySe2-zSz superconductor (2021)
Bozin ES, Koch RJ, Mangelis P, Lei HC, Neder R, Mcdonnell M, Feygenson M, et al.
Conference contribution
Thermal disorder and mechanical anisotropy in nanocrystals (2021)
Leonardi A, Leoni M, Engel M
Conference contribution
Shape and lattice deformation contributions to powder scattering (2021)
Leonardi A, Leoni M
Conference contribution
Interplay between size, morphology, microstructure defects and optoelectronic properties of CdSe nanocrystals (2021)
Neumann S, Rudolph M, Menter C, Mahmoud ASA, Segets D, Rafaja D
Conference contribution
Effect of Bi non-stoichiometry on the crystallographic structure of Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (2021)
Gadelmawla A, Rieß K, Hinterstein M, Webber KG, Khansur NH
Conference contribution