Earth System Science Data
ISSN: 1866-3508
Publisher: Copernicus Publications
Publications (7)
Calving fronts and where to find them: a benchmark dataset and methodology for automatic glacier calving front extraction from synthetic aperture radar imagery (2022)
Gourmelon N, Seehaus T, Braun M, Maier A, Christlein V
Journal article, Original article
An hourly ground temperature dataset for 16 high-elevation sites (3493–4377 m a.s.l.) in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia (2017–2020) (2022)
Groos AR, Niederhauser J, Lemma B, Fekadu M, Zech W, Haensel F, Wraase L, et al.
Journal article
Global time series and temporal mosaics of glacier surface velocities derived from Sentinel-1 data (2021)
Friedl P, Seehaus T, Braun M
Journal article, Original article
BAYWRF: A high-resolution present-day climatological atmospheric dataset for Bavaria (2020)
Collier E, Mölg T
Journal article
Worldwide version-controlled database of glacier thickness observations (2020)
Welty E, Zemp M, Navarro F, Huss M, Fürst J, Gärtner-Roer I, Landmann J, et al.
Journal article
High-resolution (1 km) Polar WRF output for 79° N Glacier and the northeast of Greenland from 2014 to 2018 (2020)
Turton J, Mölg T, Collier E
Journal article, Original article
Measurement of the fracture toughness of polycrystalline bubbly ice from an Antarctic ice core (2015)
Christmann J, Mueller R, Webber KG, Isaia D, Schader FH, Kipfstuhl S, Freitag J, Humbert A
Journal article