
Journal Abbreviation: LARYNGOSCOPE
ISSN: 0023-852X
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Publications (33)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Laryngeal Mucosal Tumor Mapping with Narrow Band Imaging and Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy () Atkins A, Koch C, James S, Wodeyar A, Sievert M, Goncalves M, Jeyarajan H, et al. Journal article Feasibility of Optical Biopsy During Endoscopic Sinus Surgery With Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy: A Pilot Study (2024) Frenken AK, Sievert M, Panuganti B, Aubreville M, Meyer T, Scherzad A, Gehrke T, et al. Journal article Analyzing Vocal Fold Frequency Dynamics Using High-Speed 3D Laser Video Endoscopy (2024) Patel RR, Döllinger M, Jakubaß B, Pinhack H, Katz U, Semmler M Journal article Clinical Behavior of the Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Larynx—A Scoping Review (2023) Poutoglidis A, Forozidou E, Fyrmpas G, Mantsopoulos K, Chrysanthou C, Galanis N, Paraskevas G, et al. Journal article, Review article Reconstruction of Vocal Fold Medial Surface 3D Trajectories: Effects of Neuromuscular Stimulation and Airflow (2023) Schlegel P, Chung HR, Döllinger M, Chhetri DK Journal article Bilateral Functional Electrical Stimulation for the Treatment of Presbyphonia in a Sheep Model (2023) Kirsch A, Gerstenberger C, Jakubaß B, Tschernitz M, Perkins JD, Groselj-Strele A, Lanmüller H, et al. Journal article Chemosensory Functions After Glossectomy—A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study (2022) Grasl S, Janik S, Wiederstein S, Haymerle G, Renner B, Mueller CA Journal article Histopathology of Parotid Pleomorphic Adenomas: A "Pleomorphic Approach" to a Demanding Lesion (2021) Mantsopoulos K, Thimsen V, Gostian AO, Müller SK, Sievert M, Iro AK, Agaimy A, Iro H Journal article Secondary Tracheoesophageal Puncture After Laryngectomy Increases Complications With Shunt and Voice Prosthesis (2020) Scherl C, Kauffels J, Schützenberger A, Döllinger M, Bohr C, Dürr S, Fietkau R, et al. Journal article Association Between Orthonasal Olfaction and Chemosensory Perception in Patients With Smell Loss (2020) Liu DT, Besser G, Prem B, Sharma G, Koenighofer M, Renner B, Mueller CA Journal article
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