Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Journal Abbreviation: INFLAMM BOWEL DIS
ISSN: 1078-0998
eISSN: 1536-4844
Publisher: Wiley

Publications (26)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Similar Inhibition of Dynamic Adhesion of Lymphocytes From IBD Patients to MAdCAM-1 by Vedolizumab and Etrolizumab-s (2018) Binder MT, Becker E, Wiendl M, Schleier L, Fuchs F, Leppkes M, Atreya R, et al. Journal article Real-time Interobserver Agreement in Bowel Ultrasonography for Diagnostic Assessment in Patients With Crohn's Disease: An International Multicenter Study (2018) Calabrese E, Kucharzik T, Maaser C, Maconi G, Strobel D, Wilson SR, Zorzi F, et al. Journal article Apremilast Prevents Intestinal Inflammation in Colitis Models via Influencing Epithelial Barrier (2017) Weigmann B, Popp V, Neurath M, Horan G, Schafer P Conference contribution Characterization and Expansion of Autologous GMP-ready Regulatory T Cells for TREG-based Cell Therapy in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis (2017) Voskens CJ, Fischer A, Roessner S, Lorenz C, Hirschmann S, Atreya R, Neufert C, et al. Journal article Development and Validation of a Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy-Based Score for In Vivo Assessment of Mucosal Healing in Ulcerative Colitis Patients (2017) Hundorfean G, Chiriac MT, Mihai S, Hartmann A, Mudter J, Neurath M Journal article Novel Insights into the Mechanisms of Gut Homing and Antiadhesion Therapies in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (2017) Zundler S, Neurath M Journal article The α4β1 Homing Pathway Is Essential for Ileal Homing of Crohn's Disease Effector T Cells In Vivo (2017) Zundler S, Fischer A, Schillinger D, Binder MT, Atreya R, Rath T, Lopez Posadas R, et al. Journal article Bowel Ultrasonography in the Management of Crohn's Disease. A Review with Recommendations of an International Panel of Experts (2016) Calabrese E, Maaser C, Zorzi F, Kannengiesser K, Hanauer SB, Bruining DH, Iacucci M, et al. Journal article, Review article The Bisphosphonate Pamidronate is an Intestinal Antiinflammatory Agent in Rat and Mouse Experimental Colitis (2016) Lopez Posadas R, Mascaraque C, Gonzalez R, Suarez MD, Zarzuelo A, Martinez-Augustin O, Sanchez De Medina F Journal article Interferon Gamma Counteracts the Angiogenic Switch and Induces Vascular Permeability in Dextran Sulfate Sodium Colitis in Mice (2015) Haep L, Britzen-Laurent N, Weber TG, Naschberger E, Schäfer A, Kremmer E, Försch S, et al. Journal article
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