International Mathematics Research Notices
Journal Abbreviation: INT MATH RES NOTICES
ISSN: 1073-7928
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy H - Oxford Open Option A
Publications (24)
Multiplicities and Dimensions in Enveloping Tensor Categories (2024)
Knop F
Journal article
Measured Asymptotic Expanders and Rigidity for Roe Algebras (2022)
Li K, Spakula J, Zhang J
Journal article
Tensor Structure on the Kazhdan-Lusztig Category for Affine gl(1|1) (2022)
Creutzig T, Mcrae R, Yang J
Journal article
Wedge Domains in Compactly Causal Symmetric Spaces (2022)
Neeb KH, Olafsson G
Journal article
N = 4 Superconformal Algebras and Diagonal Cosets (2022)
Creutzig T, Feigin B, Linshaw AR
Journal article
Analytic Extensions of Representations of *-Subsemigroups Without Polar Decomposition (2021)
Oeh D
Journal article
Central Extensions of Lie Groups Preserving a Differential Form (2021)
Diez T, Janssens B, Neeb KH, Vizman C
Journal article
Lefschetz operators, Hodge-Riemann forms, and representations (2020)
Fiebig P
Journal article, Original article
Multiplicity-freeness of Unitary Representations in Sections of Holomorphic Hilbert Bundles (2020)
Miglioli M, Neeb KH
Journal article
Erratum: Oscillation theory for the density of states of high dimensional random operators (International Mathematics Research Notices DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnx246) (2019)
Großmann J, Schulz-Baldes H, Villegas-Blas C
Journal article, Erratum