Frontiers in Neurorobotics

ISSN: 1662-5218
Publisher: Frontiers Research Foundation / Frontiers Media

Publications (20)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Feel-good robotics: Requirements on touch for embodiment in assistive robotics (2018) Koiva R, Kirchner EA, Bekrater-Bodmann R, Dosen S, Christ O, Abbink DA, Lenggenhager B, et al. Journal article Editorial: Peripheral nervous system-machine interfaces (PNS-MI) (2017) Wininger M, Artemiadis P, Pilarski P, Castellini C Journal article Commentary: Proceedings of the first workshop on peripheral machine interfaces: Going beyond traditional surface electromyography (2017) Beckerle P Journal article A human-robot interaction perspective on assistive and rehabilitation robotics (2017) Beckerle P, Salvietti G, Unal R, Prattichizzo D, Rossi S, Hirche S, Endo S, et al. Journal article, Review article Optical myography: Detecting finger movements by looking at the forearm (2016) Nissler C, Mouriki N, Castellini C Journal article Assessment of a wearable forceand electromyography device and comparison of the related signals for myocontrol (2016) Connan M, Ramirez ER, Vodermayer B, Castellini C Journal article Stable myoelectric control of a hand prosthesis using non-linear incremental learning (2014) Gijsberts A, Bohra R, Gonzalez DS, Werner A, Nowak M, Caputo B, Roa MA, Castellini C Journal article Proceedings of the first workshop on peripheral machine interfaces: Going beyond traditional surface electromyography (2014) Artemiadis P, Wininger M, Ajoudani A, Alimusaj M, Bicchi A, Caputo B, Craelius W, et al. Journal article, Review article A comparative analysis of three non-invasive human-machine interfaces for the disabled (2014) Ravindra V, Castellini C Journal article A realistic implementation of ultrasound imaging as a human-machine interface for upper-limb amputees (2013) Gonzalez DS, Castellini C Journal article