ISSN: 2077-0375
Publisher: MDPI
Publications (4)
Microstructure and Hydrogen Permeability of Nb-Ni-Ti-Zr-Co High Entropy Alloys (2022)
Kashkarov E, Krotkevich D, Koptsev M, Ognev S, Svyatkin L, Travitzky N, Lider A
Journal article
Synthesis of ZIF-11 Membranes: The Influence of Preparation Technique and Support Type (2021)
Reif B, Somboonvong J, Hartmann M, Kaspereit M, Schwieger W
Journal article
Block copolymer template-directed catalytic systems: Recent progress and perspectives (2021)
Kumar L, Singh S, Horechyy A, Fery A, Nandan B
Journal article, Review article
Liquid membranes for efficient recovery of phenolic compounds such as vanillin and catechol (2021)
Pavon S, Blaesing L, Jahn A, Aubel I, Bertau M
Journal article