Graefes Archive For Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Journal Abbreviation: GRAEF ARCH CLIN EXP
ISSN: 0721-832X
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Publications (39)
Intraday repeatability of macular layers measurements in glaucomatous and non-glaucomatous patients using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (2024)
Makhmutov V, Adler W, Matos PA, Kopecky A, Nemcansky J, Rokohl AC, Heindl LM
Journal article
Pattern electroretinogram, blue-yellow visual evoked potentials and the risk of developing visual field defects in glaucoma suspects: a longitudinal “survival” analysis with a very long follow-up (2024)
Huchzermeyer C, Lämmer R, Mardin CY, Kruse F, Kremers J, Horn F
Journal article
Novel point-of-care biomarkers of the dry anophthalmic socket syndrome: tear film osmolarity and matrix metalloproteinase 9 immunoassay (2022)
Rokohl AC, Wall K, Trester M, Wawer Matos PA, Guo Y, Adler W, Pine KR, Heindl LM
Journal article
Risk factors for ocular hypotony after XEN Gel Stent implantation (2022)
Galimi ME, Weller J, Kruse F, Lämmer R
Journal article
Short-term changes in Bruch’s membrane opening-based morphometrics during the first week after trabeculectomy (2022)
Gietzelt C, Lüke JN, Adler W, Dietlein TS, Lappas A, Prokosch-Willing V, Roters S, et al.
Journal article
Ultrastructural analysis of explanted CyPass microstents and correlation with clinical findings (2022)
Hübner L, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Weller J, Hohberger B, Mardin C, Lämmer R
Journal article
Morphological characterization and clinical effects of stromal alterations after intracorneal ring segment implantation in keratoconus (2022)
Hamon L, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Flockerzi FA, Seitz B, Daas L
Journal article
Blue-Yellow VEP with Projector-Stimulation in Glaucoma (2021)
Dussan Molinos L, Huchzermeyer C, Lämmer R, Kremers J, Horn F
Journal article
Infrared thermography: different options of thermal eyelid warming (2020)
Kremers I, Hohberger B, Bergua A
Journal article
Imaging video plethysmography shows reduced signal amplitude in glaucoma patients in the area of the microvascular tissue of the optic nerve head (2020)
Tornow RP, Kolar R, Odstrcilik J, Labounkova I, Horn F
Journal article