IEEE Communications Letters
Journal Abbreviation: IEEE COMMUN LETT
ISSN: 1089-7798
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publications (44)
On the Design of Matched Filters for Molecule Counting Receivers (2017)
Jamali Kooshkghazi V, Ahmadzadeh A, Schober R
Journal article
NOMA Meets Finite Resolution Analog Beamforming in Massive MIMO and Millimeter-Wave Networks (2017)
Ding Z, Dai L, Schober R, Poor HV
Journal article
Magnetic Nanoparticle Based Interface for Molecular Communication Systems (2017)
Kisseleff S, Schober R, Gerstacker W
Journal article, Letter
Optimal Buffer-Aided Relaying With Imperfect CSI (2016)
Jamali Kooshkghazi V, Waly N, Zlatanov N, Schober R
Journal article
Analysis of Coverage in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks (2016)
Lee W, Schober R
Journal article
Power Allocation for SC-FDE-Based CR Systems Under Explicit Primary User Protection (2016)
Wu P, Schober R, Bhargava VK
Journal article
Practical Non-Linear Energy Harvesting Model and Resource Allocation for SWIPT Systems (2015)
Boshkovska E, Wing Kwan Ng D, Zlatanov N, Schober R
Journal article
Optimal Power Control for Energy Efficient D2D Communication and Its Distributed Implementation (2015)
Wu Y, Wang J, Qian L, Schober R
Journal article
Low-Complexity Widely-Linear Precoding for Downlink Large-Scale MU-MISO Systems (2015)
Zarei S, Gerstacker W, Schober R
Journal article
A Time and Capture Probability Aware Closed Form Frame Slotted ALOHA Frame Length Optimization (2015)
Elsaid Ibrahim HAA, Kenawy H, Robert J, Heuberger A
Journal article, Original article