Social Science Research
Journal Abbreviation: SOC SCI RES
ISSN: 0049-089X
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (8)
Justice perceptions of sanctions for unemployed welfare recipients (2023)
Abraham M, Rottmann M, Stephan G
Journal article
Once outside, always outside? The link between overeducation persistence and training systems throughout the employment career (2022)
Damelang A, Ruf K
Journal article
The effect of informal caregiving on social capital investments (2020)
Eberl A
Journal article
The role of social integration in the adverse effect of unemployment on mental health – Testing the causal pathway and buffering hypotheses using panel data (2020)
Krug G, Prechsl S
Journal article, Review article
Gender composition of occupations and occupational characteristics: Explaining their true relationship by using longitudinal data (2020)
Damelang A, Ebensperger S
Journal article
How Beauty Works. Theoretical Mechanisms and Two Empirical Applications on Students’ Evaluation of Teaching (2016)
Wolbring T, Riordan P
Journal article, Original article
Preferences, constraints, and the process of sex segregation in college majors: A choice analysis (2016)
Ochsenfeld F
Journal article
Social Control, Social Learning, and Cheating. Evidence from Lab and Online Experiments on Dishonesty (2015)
Kroher M, Wolbring T
Journal article, Original article