AIChE Journal
Journal Abbreviation: AICHE J
ISSN: 0001-1541
eISSN: 1547-5905
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publications (15)
Particle‐resolved turbulent flow in a packed bed: RANS, LES, and DNS simulations (2022)
Ambekar AS, Schwarzmeier C, Rüde U, Buwa V
Journal article
Capillary-bridge forces between solid particles: Insights from lattice Boltzmann simulations (2021)
Yang L, Sega M, Harting J
Journal article
Estimation of the dominant size enlargement mechanism in spray fluidized bed processes (2020)
Rieck C, Bück A, Tsotsas E
Journal article
Optimizing swirl in compact uniflow cyclones (2019)
Pillei M, Kofler T, Wierschem A, Kraxner M
Journal article
Measurements of horizontal three-phase solid-liquid-gas slug flow: Influence of hydrate-like particles on hydrodynamics (2018)
Rosas LM, Lange Bassani C, Alves RF, Schneider FA, Marcelino Neto MA, Morales RE, Sum AK
Journal article
Monte Carlo modeling of binder-Less spray agglomeration in fluidized beds (2018)
Rieck C, Schmidt M, Bück A, Tsotsas E
Journal article, Original article
Experimental investigation of the morphology of salt deposits from drying sessile droplets by white-light interferometry (2018)
Sondej F, Peglow M, Bück A, Tsotsas E
Journal article, Original article
A model-based precipitation study of copper-based catalysts (2015)
Peukert W, Hartig MAJ, Jacobsen N, Leuthold A
Journal article, Original article
n-Butane Carbonylation to n-Pentanal Using a Cascade Reaction of Dehydrogenation and SILP-Catalyzed Hydroformylation (2015)
Walter S, Haumann M, Wasserscheid P, Hahn H, Franke R
Journal article
Visualizing multiphase flow and trapped fluid configurations in a model three-dimensional porous medium (2013)
Krummel AT, Datta SS, Münster S, Weitz DA
Journal article