
Journal Abbreviation: HERZ
ISSN: 0340-9937
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Publications (33)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Lifestyle intervention in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases Lebensstilintervention in der Primärprävention von kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen (2020) Heinicke V, Halle M Journal article After ISCHEMIA: Is coronary CTA the new gatekeeper? (2020) Smolka S, Desai MY, Achenbach S Journal article, Review article Management von intrazerebralen Blutungen unter oraler Antikoagulation (2019) Sembill J, Kuramatsu JB, Hohnloser SH, Huttner H Journal article Medical care of adults with congenital heart diseases : Present and future (2019) Neidenbach R, Achenbach S, Andonian C, Beckmann J, Biber S, Dittrich S, Ewert P, et al. Journal article Medizinische Versorgung von Erwachsenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern: Gegenwart und Zukunft (2019) Neidenbach R, Achenbach S, Andonian C, Beckmann J, Biber S, Dittrich S, Ewert P, et al. Journal article, Review article Anticoagulation in geriatric patients with atrial fibrillation : With what and for whom no more? (2018) Bahrmann P, Christ M Journal article Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure: Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire Erfassung des subjektiven körperlichen Wohlbefindens bei Herzinsuffizienz: Validierung des FEW16-Fragebogens (2017) Lashki DJ, Zelenak C, Tahirovic E, Trippel TD, Kolip P, Busjahn A, Rauchfuss M, et al. Journal article Temporal trends in transcatheter and surgical aortic valve replacement : An analysis of aortic valve replacements in Germany during 2012-2014 (2017) Gaede L, Kim WK, Blumenstein J, Liebetrau C, Doerr O, Nef H, Hamm C, et al. Journal article Exercise training in the therapy of heart diseases: Current evidence and future options Körperliches Training in der Therapie von Herzerkrankungen: Klinische Evidenz und zukünftige Optionen (2016) Schwarz S, Boscheri A, Christle J, Duvinage A, Esefeld K, Fricke H, Pitsch N, et al. Journal article Diamond-Forrester and cardiac CT : Is there a need to redefine the pretest probability of coronary artery disease? (2016) Schuhbaeck A, Kolwelter J, Achenbach S Journal article
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