Chemical Science

Journal Abbreviation: CHEM SCI
ISSN: 2041-6520
eISSN: 2041-6539
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

Publications (99)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Sulfoxide hemithioindigo tweezers - visible light addressable capture and release (2021) Bartelmann T, Gnannt F, Zitzmann M, Mayer P, Dube H Journal article Magnesium-halobenzene bonding: mapping the halogen sigma-hole with a Lewis-acidic complex (2021) Friedrich A, Pahl J, Eyselein J, Langer J, van Eikema Hommes N, Görling A, Harder S Journal article 2D framework materials for energy applications (2021) Schneemann A, Dong R, Schwotzer F, Zhong H, Senkovska I, Feng X, Kaskel S Journal article, Review article Hydration breaking and chemical ordering in a levitated NaCl solution droplet beyond the metastable zone width limit: evidence for the early stage of two-step nucleation (2021) Hwang H, Cho YC, Lee S, Lee YH, Kim S, Kim Y, Jo W, et al. Journal article Hexa-: Peri -benzocoronene with two extra K-regions in an ortho -configuration (2020) Dumslaff T, Gu Y, Paterno GM, Qiu Z, Maghsoumi A, Tommasini M, Feng X, et al. Journal article Engineering micromechanics of soft porous crystals for negative gas adsorption (2020) Krause S, Evans JD, Bon V, Senkovska I, Ehrling S, Iacomi P, Toebbens DM, et al. Journal article Ultrathin two-dimensional conjugated metal-organic framework single-crystalline nanosheets enabled by surfactant-assisted synthesis (2020) Wang Z, Wang G, Qi H, Wang M, Wang M, Park S, Wang H, et al. Journal article Insights into the formation of metal carbon nanocomposites for energy storage using hybrid NiFe layered double hydroxides as precursors (2020) Romero J, Varela M, Assebban M, Oestreicher V, Guedeja-Marron A, Jorda JL, Abellán G, Coronado E Journal article Panchromatic light funneling through the synergy in hexabenzocoronene-(metallo)porphyrin-fullerene assemblies to realize the separation of charges (2020) Wolf M, Lungerich D, Bauroth S, Popp M, Platzer B, Clark T, Anderson HL, et al. Journal article Solid-state NMR spectroscopy: an advancing tool to analyse the structure and properties of metal-organic frameworks (2020) Brunner E, Rauche M Journal article