Bollettino Della Societa Paleontologica Italiana
Journal Abbreviation: B SOC PALEONTOL ITAL
ISSN: 0375-7633
eISSN: 0583-7979
Publisher: Società Paleontologica Italiana
Publications (5)
Physical and biological events across the Frasnian-Famennian boundary (Late Devonian) in continuous oxic carbonate successions in the western Tethys (Carnic Alps of Italy and Austria) (2023)
Farabegoli E, Perri MC, Spalletta C, Joachimski M, Andrew A, Pondrelli M
Journal article
A first glimpse on the taphonomy and sedimentary environment of the Eocene siliceous sponges from Chiampo, Lessini Mts, NE Italy (2020)
Frisone V, Preto N, Pisera A, Agnini C, Giusberti L, Papazzoni CA, De Angeli A, et al.
Journal article
Revisiting reef models in the Oligocene of northern Italy (Venetian Southern Alps) (2020)
Bosellini FR, Vescogni A, Kießling W, Zoboli A, Di Giuseppe D, Papazzoni CA
Journal article
Crustacean microcoprolites from the Upper Triassic, Oman (2000)
Senowbari-Daryan B, Bernecker M
Journal article
Middle Ordovician (Llandeilian-Caradocian) conodonts from the San Rafael region, west-central Argentina: Biostratigraphic, biogeographic and paleogeographic implications (1999)
Lehnert O, Bergstroem SM, Keller M, Bordonaro O
Journal article