
Journal Abbreviation: GASTROENTEROLOGY
ISSN: 0016-5085
eISSN: 1528-0012
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (53)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Metagenomic Identification of Microbial Signatures Predicting Pancreatic Cancer From a Multinational Study (2022) Nagata N, Nishijima S, Kojima Y, Hisada Y, Imbe K, Miyoshi-Akiyama T, Suda W, et al. Journal article Epithelial X-Box Binding Protein 1 Coordinates Tumor Protein p53-Driven DNA Damage Responses and Suppression of Intestinal Carcinogenesis (2022) Welz L, Kakavand N, Hang X, Laue G, Ito G, Silva MG, Plattner C, et al. Journal article Epithelia-Sensory Neuron Cross Talk Underlies Cholestatic Itch Induced by Lysophosphatidylcholine (2021) Chen Y, Wang ZL, Yeo M, Zhang QJ, López-Romero AE, Ding HP, Zhang X, et al. Journal article An International Multicenter Real-Life Prospective Study of Electronic Chromoendoscopy Score PICaSSO in Ulcerative Colitis (2021) Iacucci M, Smith SC, Bazarova A, Shivaji UN, Bhandari P, Cannatelli R, Daperno M, et al. Journal article Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Attachment Receptor Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Is Decreased in Crohn's Disease and Regulated By Microbial and Inflammatory Signaling (2021) Patankar JV, Lehmann M, Kühl AA, Atreya R, Becker C, Gonzalez-Acera M, Schmitt H, et al. Journal article Targeting of the Tec Kinase ITK Drives Resolution of T Cell–Mediated Colitis and Emerges as Potential Therapeutic Option in Ulcerative Colitis (2021) Lechner-Grimm K, Mott S, Al-Saifi R, Knipfer L, Wirtz S, Atreya R, Vieth M, et al. Journal article Mucosal Biofilms Are an Endoscopic Feature of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Ulcerative Colitis (2021) Baumgartner M, Lang M, Holley H, Crepaz D, Hausmann B, Pjevac P, Moser D, et al. Journal article Targeting DNA Damage Response and Replication Stress in Pancreatic Cancer (2021) Dreyer SB, Upstill-Goddard R, Paulus-Hock V, Paris C, Lampraki EM, Dray E, Serrels B, et al. Journal article S100A8 and S100A9 Are Important for Postnatal Development of Gut Microbiota and Immune System in Mice and Infants (2020) Willers M, Ulas T, Voellger L, Vogl T, Heinemann AS, Pirr S, Pagel J, et al. Journal article Management of Patients With Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis During the Coronavirus Disease-2019 Pandemic: Results of an International Meeting (2020) Rubin DT, Abreu MT, Rai V, Siegel CA, Ahuja V, Allez M, Ananthakrishnan AN, et al. Journal article