European Journal of Immunology
Journal Abbreviation: EUR J IMMUNOL
ISSN: 0014-2980
eISSN: 1521-4141
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag
Publications (219)
Heterogeneity and function of conventional dendritic cells from early to adult life (2022)
Schraml B, Papaioannou N, Shakiba R, Ravi K, Kuentzel V, Salei N, Lehman CH, et al.
Conference contribution
Elevated Na+ levels dampen the antibacterial activity of neutrophils in a phagocyte oxidase-dependent way (2022)
Krampert L, Bauer K, Ebner S, Neubert P, Ossner T, Weigert A, Schatz V, et al.
Conference contribution
Propionate induced bacterial-derived histamine promotes resolution of synovial inflammation (2022)
Dürholz K, Lucas S, Schmid E, Schaelter F, Frech M, Azizov V, Hofmann J, et al.
Conference contribution
Differential induction of lung-resident memory T cells through infection or viral vector immunization (2022)
Schmidt A, Fuchs J, Lapuente D, Huebner J, Vieira Antao AI, Irrgang P, Paudyal B, et al.
Conference contribution
Protective mucosal immunity against SARS-CoV-2 after heterologous systemic RNA-mucosal adenoviral vector immunization (2022)
Lapuente D, Fuchs J, Willar J, Antao A, Eberlein V, Uhlig N, Issmail L, et al.
Conference contribution
The role of joint-draining lymph node stromal cells in inflammatory arthritis (2022)
Schälter F, Azizov V, Frech M, Dürholz K, Sokolova M, Hendel A, Focke K, et al.
Conference contribution
Innate PD-L1 limits T cell-mediated adipose tissue inflammation and ameliorates diet-induced obesity (2022)
Schwartz C, Schmidt V, Deinzer A, Hawerkamp HC, Hams E, Bayerlein J, Roeger O, et al.
Conference contribution
Functionality of antigen-specific T cell receptor repertoires after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (2022)
Kocher K, Drost F, Schuelein C, Moosmann C, D'Ippolito E, Busch DH, Bogdan C, et al.
Conference contribution
A novel orthotopic TCR transgenic mouse model dissects the role of antigen receptor specificity for gamma delta T cell development and function (2022)
Vogg L, Hahn AM, Schäfer S, Ravens S, Prinz I, Winkler T
Conference contribution
Sialic acids on B cells are crucial for their survival and provide protection against apoptosis (2022)
Linder A, Schmidt M, Hitschfel J, Schneider P, Abeln M, Gerardy-Schahn R, Muenster-Kuehnel A, Nitschke L
Conference contribution