Empirical Economics
Journal Abbreviation: EMPIR ECON
ISSN: 0377-7332
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Publications (13)
Does the design of a soda tax matter? Evidence from school children in Europe (2023)
Gangl S
Journal article
Changing selection into full-time work and its effect on wage inequality in Germany (2022)
Fitzenberger B, de Lazzer J
Journal article
Economic applications of quantile regression 2.0 (2022)
Fitzenberger B, Koenker R, Machado J, Melly B
Journal article
Do minimum wages improve self-rated health? Evidence from a natural experiment (2021)
Hafner L, Lochner B
Journal article, Original article
Does moderate weight loss affect subjective health perception in obese individuals? Evidence from field experimental data (2021)
Hafner L, Tauchmann H, Wübker A
Journal article, Online publication
Misreporting of program take-up in survey data and its consequences for measuring non-take-up: new evidence from linked administrative and survey data (2021)
Riphahn RT, Bruckmeier K, Wiemers J
Journal article, Original article
The unemployment effect of central bank transparency (2019)
Weber C
Journal article, Original article
Forecast performance, disagreement, and heterogeneous signal-to-noise ratios (2017)
Dovern J, Hartmann M
Journal article, Original article
Searching for the Fed’s reaction function (2017)
Wölfel K, Weber C
Journal article, Original article
State dependence in welfare receipt: transitions before and after a reform (2016)
Riphahn RT, Wunder C
Journal article, Original article