Expert Systems With Applications
Journal Abbreviation: EXPERT SYST APPL
ISSN: 0957-4174
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (6)
CheXReport: A transformer-based architecture to generate chest X-ray reports suggestions (2024)
Zeiser FA, da Costa CA, de Oliveira Ramos G, Maier A, da Rosa Righi R
Journal article
Machine learning in business process management: A systematic literature review (2024)
Weinzierl S, Zilker S, Dunzer S, Matzner M
Journal article, Review article
Smelly, dense, and spreaded: The Object Detection for Olfactory References (ODOR) dataset (2024)
Zinnen M, Madhu P, Leemans I, Bell P, Hussian A, Tran TMH, Hürriyetoğlu A, et al.
Journal article
DeepSigns: A predictive model based on Deep Learning for the early detection of patient health deterioration (2021)
da Silva DB, Schmidt D, da Costa CA, da Rosa Righi R, Eskofier B
Journal article
On the design of hardware architectures for parallel frequent itemsets mining (2020)
Letras M, Bustio L, Cumplido R, Hernández-León R, Feregrino C
Journal article, Original article
Sentiment analysis based on rhetorical structure theory:Learning deep neural networks from discourse trees (2019)
Kraus M, Feuerriegel S
Journal article