Socio-Economic Review
ISSN: 1475-1461
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publications (5)
Persistent or temporary? Effects of social assistance benefit sanctions on employment quality (2024)
Wolf MA
Journal article
Social policy and labour supply: The impact of activating labour market institutions on reservation wages (2023)
Fuchs B, Prechsl S, Wolbring T
Journal article, Original article
The comparative institutional analysis of energy transitions. (2019)
Wood G, Finnegan JJ, Allen ML, Allen MMC, Cumming D, Johan S, Nicklich M, et al.
Journal article
Mercantilist dualization: the introduction of the euro, redistribution of industry rents, and wage inequality in Germany, 1993–2008 (2018)
Ochsenfeld F
Journal article, Original article
Determinants of trade union membership in West Germany: evidence from micro data, 1980-2000 (2005)
Schnabel C, Wagner J
Journal article