Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Journal Abbreviation: MAGN RESON MED
ISSN: 0740-3194
eISSN: 1522-2594
Publisher: Wiley

Publications (150)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Fully automated background phase correction using M-estimate SAmple consensus (MSAC)-Application to 2D and 4D flow (2022) Fischer C, Wetzl J, Schaeffter T, Giese D Journal article Deep Learning-Guided Weighted Averaging for Signal Dropout Compensation in DWI of the Liver (2022) Gadjimuradov F, Benkert T, Nickel MD, Führes T, Saake M, Maier A Journal article Estimation of the capillary level input function for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of the breast using a deep learning approach (2022) Bae J, Huang Z, Knoll F, Geras K, Sood TP, Feng L, Heacock L, et al. Journal article Review and consensus recommendations on clinical APT-weighted imaging approaches at 3T: Application to brain tumors (2022) Zhou J, Zaiss M, Knutsson L, Sun PZ, Ahn SS, Aime S, Bachert P, et al. Journal article, Review article Assessment of vertebral fractures and edema of the thoracolumbar spine based on water-fat and susceptibility-weighted images derived from a single ultra-short echo time scan (2022) Kronthaler S, Boehm C, Feuerriegel G, Boernert P, Katscher U, Weiss K, Makowski MR, et al. Journal article Microscopic multifrequency MR elastography for mapping viscoelasticity in zebrafish (2022) Jordan JEL, Bertalan G, Meyer T, Tzschaetzsch H, Gauert A, Brame L, Herthum H, et al. Journal article Preconditioned water-fat total field inversion: Application to spine quantitative susceptibility mapping (2022) Boehm C, Sollmann N, Meineke J, Ruschke S, Dieckmeyer M, Weiss K, Zimmer C, et al. Journal article Deep learning–based quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in the presence of fat using synthetically generated multi-echo phase training data (2022) Hanspach J, Bollmann S, Grigo J, Karius A, Uder M, Laun FB Journal article Motion-corrected 23Na MRI of the human brain using interleaved 1H 3D navigator images (2022) Wilferth T, Müller M, Gast L, Ruck L, Meyerspeer M, Kolkovsky ALL, Uder M, et al. Journal article An end-to-end AI-based framework for automated discovery of rapid CEST/MT MRI acquisition protocols and molecular parameter quantification (AutoCEST) (2022) Perlman O, Zhu B, Zaiß M, Rosen MS, Farrar CT Journal article