Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Journal Abbreviation: MAGN RESON MED
ISSN: 0740-3194
eISSN: 1522-2594
Publisher: Wiley

Publications (149)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Multi-echo–based fat artifact correction for CEST MRI at 7 T (2024) Tkotz K, Liebert A, Gast L, Zeiger P, Uder M, Zaiß M, Nagel AM Journal article Toward accurate and fast velocity quantification with 3D ultrashort TE phase-contrast imaging (2024) Degenhardt K, Schmidt S, Aigner CS, Kratzer FJ, Seiter DP, Müller M, Kolbitsch C, et al. Journal article Sidebands in CEST MR—How to recognize and avoid them (2024) Schüre JR, Weinmüller S, Kamm L, Herz K, Zaiß M Journal article Fully automated planning for anatomical fetal brain MRI on 0.55T (2024) Neves Silva S, McElroy S, Aviles Verdera J, Colford K, St Clair K, Tomi-Tricot R, Uus A, et al. Journal article On the water–fat in-phase assumption for quantitative susceptibility mapping (2023) Boehm C, Schlaeger S, Meineke J, Weiss K, Makowski MR, Karampinos DC Journal article Multi-modal MRI reveals changes in placental function following preterm premature rupture of membranes (2023) Hutter J, Slator PJ, Zampieri CA, Hall M, Rutherford M, Story L Journal article MR-zero meets RARE MRI: Joint optimization of refocusing flip angles and neural networks to minimize T2-induced blurring in spin echo sequences (2023) Dang HN, Endres J, Weinmüller S, Glang F, Loktyushin A, Scheffler K, Dörfler A, et al. Journal article Influence of saturation effects on biexponential liver intravoxel incoherent motion (2023) Loh M, Führes T, Stuprich C, Uder M, Saake M, Laun FB Journal article Motion compensated renal diffusion weighted imaging (2023) Mctavish S, Van AT, Peeters JM, Weiss K, Makowski MR, Braren RF, Karampinos DC Journal article The effects of RF coils and SAR supervision strategies for clinically applicable nonselective parallel-transmit pulses at 7 T (2023) Herrler J, Williams SN, Liebig P, Ding B, McElhinney P, Allwood-Spiers S, Meixner CR, et al. Journal article