Nature Protocols
Journal Abbreviation: NAT PROTOC
ISSN: 1754-2189
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
Publications (6)
Chemometric analysis in Raman spectroscopy from experimental design to machine learning–based modeling (2021)
Guo S, Popp J, Bocklitz T
Journal article, Review article
Detection of aberrant gene expression events in RNA sequencing data (2021)
Yepez VA, Mertes C, Mueller MF, Klaproth-Andrade D, Wachutka L, Fresard L, Gusic M, et al.
Journal article
Inducible mouse models of colon cancer for the analysis of sporadic and inflammation-driven tumor progression and lymph node metastasis (2020)
Neufert C, Heichler C, Brabletz T, Scheibe K, Boonsanay V, Greten FR, Neurath M
Journal article
Genome editing using FACS enrichment of nuclease-expressing cells and indel detection by amplicon analysis (2017)
Lonowski LA, Narimatsu Y, Riaz A, Delay CE, Yang Z, Niola F, Duda K, et al.
Journal article
Chemically induced mouse models of acute and chronic intestinal inflammation (2017)
Wirtz S, Popp V, Kindermann M, Gerlach K, Weigmann B, Fichtner-Feigl S, Neurath M
Journal article
Phenotyping sensory nerve endings in vitro in the mouse (2009)
Zimmermann K, Hein A, Hager U, Kaczmarek JS, Turnquist BP, Clapham DE, Reeh P
Journal article