Ore Geology Reviews
Journal Abbreviation: ORE GEOL REV
ISSN: 0169-1368
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (18)
Magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of the Skouries Au-Cu porphyry deposit, northern Greece (2024)
Höß A, Haase K, Keith M, Klemd R, Melfos V, Gerlach L, Pelloth F, et al.
Journal article
Mineralogy and elemental geochemistry of pyrite coal-balls, Datong Coalfield, Shanxi Province, China: Implications for differentiation mechanism (2023)
Hao H, Huang W, Hao R, Mu N, Wen L, Yu C
Journal article
Fingerprinting fluid evolution by trace elements in epithermal pyrite, Vatukoula Au-Te deposit, Fiji (2021)
Börner F, Keith M, Smith DJ, Barry TL, Neumann T, Klemd R
Journal article
Trace element fractionation and precipitation in submarine back-arc hydrothermal systems, Nifonea caldera, New Hebrides subduction zone (2021)
Keith M, Haase K, Häckel F, Schwarz-Schampera U, Klemd R, Hannington M, Strauss H, et al.
Journal article
Physicochemical constraints on indium-, tin-, germanium-, gallium-, gold-, and tellurium-bearing mineralizations in the Pefka and St Philippos polymetallic vein- and breccia-type deposits, Greece (2021)
Voudouris P, Repstock A, Spry PG, Frenzel M, Mavrogonatos C, Keith M, Tarantola A, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Desulphurisation, chromite alteration, and bulk rock PGE redistribution in massive chromitite due to hydrothermal overprint of the Panton Intrusion, east Kimberley, Western Australia (2020)
Beinlich A, von Heydebrand A, Klemd R, Martin L, Hicks J
Journal article
Porphyry and epithermal deposits in Greece: An overview, new discoveries, and mineralogical constraints on their genesis (2019)
Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Spry PG, Baker T, Melfos V, Klemd R, Haase K, et al.
Journal article, Review article
Post-Variscan structurally-controlled hydrothermal Zn-Fe-Pb sulfide and F-Ba mineralization in deep-seated Paleozoic units of the North German Basin: A review (2019)
Nadoll P, Sosnicka M, Kraemer D, Duschl F
Journal article, Review article
Trace element systematics and ore-forming processes in mafic VMS deposits: Evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus (2019)
Martin AJ, Keith M, Mcdonald I, Haase K, Mcfall KA, Klemd R, Macleod CJ
Journal article
The Cristal Zinc prospect (Amazonas region, northern Peru). Part I: New insights on the sulfide mineralization in the Bongará province (2018)
Mondillo N, Arfè G, Boni M, Ballasone P, Boyce A, Joachimski M, Kang J, Villa I
Journal article, Original article