Surface & Coatings Technology

Journal Abbreviation: SURF COAT TECH
ISSN: 0257-8972
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (70)

Functional polyetheretherketone coatings fabricated by laser-based directed energy deposition (2024) Wittmann A, Alidoust Chamandani S, Hentschel O, Sommereyns A, Kopp SP, Schmidt M Journal article Composite electroforming of precision Ni-P-PTFE mold inserts with low internal stress and self-lubricating properties (2024) Ma Z, Jiang B, Drummer D, Zhang L Journal article Tailoring the adhesion of electrophoretic chitosan/bioactive glass coatings by the combined surface pre-treatments of Ti substrates (2024) Kowalczyk A, Sotniczuk A, Kuczyńska-Zemła D, Pura J, Xu Z, Boccaccini AR, Garbacz H Journal article Enhancing the lifetime and vacuum tribological performance of PVD-MoS2 coatings by nitrogen modification (2024) Seynstahl A, Köbrich M, Rosnitschek T, Göken M, Tremmel S Journal article Influence of phosphorous acid concentration on the self-lubricating properties of electroformed Ni-P-PTFE ternary composites (2024) Ma Z, Jiang B, Drummer D, Zhang L Journal article Cu/HA/ZnS/PEEK multicomponent coatings with varied copper content for biomedical applications (2023) Kuśmierczyk F, Moskalewicz T, Grysakowski B, Cieniek Ł, Zimowski S, Kopia A, Unalan I, Boccaccini AR Journal article High-temperature oxidation resistance of ternary and quaternary Cr-(Mo)-Si-B2-z coatings — Influence of Mo addition (2023) Bahr A, Glechner T, Grimmer A, Wojcik T, Kutrowatz P, Podsednik M, Limbeck A, et al. Journal article Combining multi-scale surface texturing and DLC coatings for improved tribological performance of 3D printed polymers (2023) Marian M, Zambrano D, Rothammer B, Waltenberger V, Boidi G, Krapf A, Merle B, et al. Journal article Tuning surface wettability of Al and its correlation with short and long term corrosion resistance in saline solutions (2021) Khajavian E, Attar MR, Mohammadi-Zahrani E, Liu W, Davoodi A, Hosseinpour S Journal article Deposition of bioactive gelatin coatings on porous titanium: Influence of processing parameters, size and pore morphology (2021) Torres Y, Begines B, Beltrán AM, Boccaccini AR Journal article